Credit card is one of the biggest contributors in debt problems. Most people do not know the results of reckless credit card usage until they have reached the drowning debt stage in their life. It is important that you are aware about credit card debt before applying for a credit card or making any other financial decision.
You will have lots of sleepless nights thinking on how to pay your debts; this can cause you some health problems. Stress can lead to major health problems. Collectors will be harassing you to pay your debt, they will be calling you at home or even at work which can be embarrassing to let your co-workers know that you are hiding from credit card collectors.
Since you were not able to pay your monthly dues, you will be charged late finance charges, interest rate which will cost you more. One worst thing that a credit card debt can cause is divorce or family relation be affected, for instances couples who have been drowning in debts will have some problems with regard to their financial status.
So why let this happen to you, if you can avoid it. Always think twice before getting a credit card or loans, ask yourself “Do I really need it”.
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